Our Story

Planet A was founded by Sustainability and B Corp Consultant Holly Arnold.

Holly entered the advertising industry in 2019 after studying life forms at The Royal Drawing School and completing a BA in Illustration where she learnt about the power of communication.

It wasn’t long after joining a London-based creative studio that she came to understand the urgency of the climate crisis and the role and responsibility of businesses to create change, this was her cue to help them take action.

Holly helped transition the studio into the first B Corp Creative studio. Their ambitious sustainability actions (e.g reducing emissions by 59%) have recently been recognised for winning Campaign and Ad Net Zero’s Sustainability Best Practice Award.

Working within the Creative Industries

Holly has been uniquely positioned in sustainability and B Corp roles within the creative industry for over five years. This has given her the skills and experience to bring each client on a journey of transformation, from decarbonising operations and productions to using creativity to shift the mindsets of our citizens, governments and power holders.

Holly continues to be actively involved in purpose-led industry groups like Ad Net Zero, Purpose Disruptors, and Creative Conscience, and she is London City Lead for global NGO Creatives for Climate where she designs and plans events for the creative community.

Alongside Consulting, Holly is a Climate Activist, Sustainability Mentor, B Corp Advocate and Educational Workshop Designer & Facilitator, delivering internal company workshops and external workshops for organisations such as The International Screen Institute and The Creatives for Climate Academy.

Planet A continues to grow as sustainability experts, who are passionate about the creative industries, join the team of freelancers transforming creative businesses to be a force for good.